

Welcome to my brand new space for thoughts/mostly simple coding tutorials. In my time learning to program and build web applications, there have been countless times when someone's post or article has helped me grasp a concept or figure out a problem much more quickly than I would have alone. There have also been occasions when a problem has seemed as though it should be much easier than it is (e.g. installing anything) and I have known that someone has probably been in my spot before, but I can't seem to find his/her tale on the Internet. This website is my attempt to start contributing a little bit to increasing instances of the first situation and decreasing those of the second. Also, I figure it will be good practice for myself, as being able to comfortably elucidate concepts to newcomers is often the best test of understanding.

I won't be posting any technical articles today, but I figure it might help some to know that this blog is hosted on Amazon EC2, and its content is managed by the open-source WordPress framework (not wordpress.com). There is a great tutorial on how to set up WordPress on EC2 by Christophe Coenraets if you are interested in doing the same.

Anyway, I hope some people are able to pull some knowledge from my scribblings. And if anyone has any suggestions or general comments feel free to let me know.