Making CodeMirror themes look nice with shadcn/ui
Shadcn UI has gained popularity as a way to build your own React component library, but if you're app uses a code editor, the color scheme may look slightly off. We can fix this by adapting thememirror to look nice with shadcn/ui.
npm i thememirror @lezer/highlight
Then create a file called codemirror-themes.ts
. In this example I'm building off of Ayu Light and Cool Glow themes. You can find a library of great themes on github.
What we're doing here is just swapping out some of the base colors for shadcn/ui colors in our global.css
file. You may need to convert hsl to hex, or feel free to copy and paste below if you are using the slate shadcn/ui color scheme.
// Based on Ayu Light and ThemeMirror
export const lightTheme = createTheme({
variant: 'light',
settings: {
background: '#FFFFFF', // '#fcfcfc',
foreground: '#0F172A', //'#5c6166',
caret: '#ffaa33',
selection: '#F1F5F9', //'#036dd626',
gutterBackground: '#FFFFFF', //'#fcfcfc',
gutterForeground: '#8a919966',
lineHighlight: '#8a91991a',
styles: [
tag: t.comment,
color: '#787b8099',
tag: t.string,
color: '#86b300',
tag: t.regexp,
color: '#4cbf99',
tag: [t.number, t.bool, t.null],
color: '#ffaa33',
tag: t.variableName,
color: '#5c6166',
tag: [t.definitionKeyword, t.modifier],
color: '#fa8d3e',
tag: [t.keyword, t.special(t.brace)],
color: '#fa8d3e',
tag: t.operator,
color: '#ed9366',
tag: t.separator,
color: '#5c6166b3',
tag: t.punctuation,
color: '#5c6166',
tag: [t.definition(t.propertyName), t.function(t.variableName)],
color: '#f2ae49',
tag: [t.className, t.definition(t.typeName)],
color: '#22a4e6',
tag: [t.tagName, t.typeName, t.self, t.labelName],
color: '#55b4d4',
tag: t.angleBracket,
color: '#55b4d480',
tag: t.attributeName,
color: '#f2ae49',
// Based on Cool Glow and ThemeMirror
export const darkTheme = createTheme({
variant: 'dark',
settings: {
background: '#030711', //'#060521',
foreground: '#E1E7EF', //'#E0E0E0',
caret: '#FFFFFFA6',
selection: '#0F1629', //'#122BBB',
gutterBackground: '#030711', //'#060521',
gutterForeground: '#E1E7EF90',
lineHighlight: '#FFFFFF0F',
styles: [
tag: t.comment,
color: '#AEAEAE',
tag: [t.string, t.special(t.brace), t.regexp],
color: '#8DFF8E',
tag: [
color: '#A3EBFF',
tag: [t.number, t.bool, t.null],
color: '#62E9BD',
tag: [t.keyword, t.operator],
color: '#2BF1DC',
tag: [t.definitionKeyword, t.modifier],
color: '#F8FBB1',
tag: [t.variableName, t.self],
color: '#B683CA',
tag: [t.angleBracket, t.tagName, t.typeName, t.propertyName],
color: '#60A4F1',
tag: t.derefOperator,
color: '#E0E0E0',
tag: t.attributeName,
color: '#7BACCA',
Finally, import as you would normally from thememirror.
import { lightTheme, darkTheme } from 'path/to/codemirror-themes'